Where on the golf course do you live?


Before the Laguna Hill Park development (10-acre parcels), Emerald Hills Estates, and Valle Vista Ranch, there was one big partnership that owned all of the land, plus more than 300 acres across Prefumo Canyon Road. In the 1980s, the partnership planned a golf course development on the land now occupied by the three tracts. They got as far as submitting plans to the County, before the political winds changed and doomed it.

Here’s a map of the proposed golf course and housing development. There are enough landmarks (Los Osos Valley road, Valle Vista, Diablo Drive, and Prefumo Canyon Road)  to get an idea of how existing streets and homes overlay the golf course.

(The acreage across Prefumo Canyon Road is now mostly the Irish Hills Natural Reserve and the 30 home developments near the creek.)

Overlaying this image onto Google Earth, you can get an idea of where your house would be if this were all a golf course. As you can see, the roads and houses planned then are very different from how they look now.